1. Designing and conducting mixed methods research 2. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches 3. Sage handbook of mixed methods in social & behavioral research 4. Toward a definition of mixed methods research 5. Advanced mixed methods research designs 6. Research and...
Using Action Research methodology, several semi-structured group interviews were performed and a questionnaire was applied to employees of two organizations. In order to identify the employee's profiles, different groups were found by means of a factorial analysis, which resulted in specific knowledge ...
Philosophy, Mixed-Method Research, and Managing Data Using NVivo Robyn Smyth Author’s note I acknowledge the contribution of my doctoral supervisors, Drs David Laird and Ted Redden of the School of Education Studies, University of New England, Australia. Their ad- ...
Mixed Research Method is defined as an approach that places different components of a research project on a continuum between qualitative and quantitative approaches, allowing researchers to use multiple perspectives and methods to interpret findings without being constrained by a single approach. ...
Mixed-methods approaches can be used to: (i) gain a more complete understanding of a research problem, (ii) explain initial results from one method with results from another, (iii) generate instruments, for example, survey tools and interventions, (iv) evaluate services, and (v) optimize ...
others may not see it as a recent approach. Researchers for many years have collected both quantitative and qualitative data in the same studies. However, to put both forms of data together as a distinct research design or method- ology is new. Thus the idea of mixing the data, the specif...
EpistemologyMultimethodMixed MethodResearch and theory building in Human Resource Development (HRD) and allied fields have not been spared the so-called paradigm wars with the preponderance of emYawson, Robert MSocial Science Electronic Publishing
Through this mixed method approach, SSRS helped MFH to gather a full understanding of the profound impact of medical debt on people’s lives. The survey provided statistical evidence on the scope and impact of medical debt, both statewide and among specific segments of Missourians. The focus grou...
The ability to use multi-method data is an increasingly desirable skill set for business practitioners. Projects that allow business students to practice mixed methods research create a valuable opportunity to improve work-readiness skills. This research tests the benefits of a mixed methods, client-...