3. 顺序探索设计(Sequential Exploratory Design) 特点:先进行定性研究,后进行定量研究,以验证定性研究结果。 适用场景:当研究领域较新,缺乏已有量化数据时。 示例:研究某种新型心理疗法时,先进行访谈(定性)了解患者的体验,然后用问卷(定量)进行大规模验证。 4. 变换设计(Transformative Mixed Methods Design) 特点:根...
3. 顺序探索设计(Sequential Exploratory Design) 特点:先进行定性研究,后进行定量研究,以验证定性研究结果。 适用场景:当研究领域较新,缺乏已有量化数据时。 示例:研究某种新型心理疗法时,先进行访谈(定性)了解患者的体验,然后用问卷(定量)进行大规模验证。 4. 变换设计(Transformative Mixed Methods Design) 特点:根...
An Exploratory Mixed-Method Analysis of Interpersonal Arguments on TwitterThis chapter reflects on a particular kind of social interactivity on Twitter that is directly linked to the public sphere: rational argumentation. Using a mixed methods design, this study analyzed the nature of people's online...
What dictates the design (experimental versus quasi-experimental) and the type of manipulation used in a research study? What is the difference between descriptive and exploratory research? Why do we use qualitative research methods? Explain what is meant by the scientific method. You should identify...
包括三种基础设计方案:(1)convergent design(2)explanatory sequential design(3)exploratory sequential design;以及三种高阶方案:(1)intervention designs (2)social justice/transformative designs(3)multistage evaluation designs。数据的整合有多种形式:聚合、解释、构建和嵌套...
or expand the findings of one method with another method. The researcher may start with qualitative method for exploratory purpose and follow up with quantitative method for generalizing results to a population. Alternatively, the study may begin with a quantitative method in which theories or ...
It is therefore our belief that using triangulation as a methodological metaphor in mixed methods research can also benefit the design of mixed method studies. Like other researchers (O’Cathain et al., 2008), we have also found that most of the papers reviewed lacked clarity in whether the ...
In view of the exploratory and explanatory nature of the research questions and purpose of the study, an explanatory sequential mixed-method design was employed following Tashakkori and Teddlie (2010b), Creswell and Creswell (2018), and Creswell and Plano Clark (2018). This study design involve...
Exploratory sequentialIn an exploratory sequential design, qualitative data collection and analysis occurs first, followed by quantitative data collection and analysis.You can use this design to first explore initial questions and develop hypotheses. Then you can use the quantitative data to test or ...
This versatile method offers both qualitative and quantitative characteristics, making it well-suited for exploratory research [55,56]. Qualitatively, fsQCA adopts a theory or case-oriented approach, while quantitatively, it employs a Boolean algorithm based on set theory to calibrate and compute data...