methodological approach, and language can present researchers with di- lemmas when a researcher exercises the freedom to choose mixed-method approaches to make meaning from inquiry. In this article, the author ex- plores one approach to maintaining consistency while deriving outcomes ...
Email: mfetters@ 204 Journal of Mixed Methods Research 9(3) empirical mixed methods study. However, if the paper provides a novel approach to data trans- formation, places it in the context of literature about data transformation approaches in mixed methods, and characterizes how the approach ...
others may not see it as a recent approach. Researchers for many years have collected both quantitative and qualitative data in the same studies. However, to put both forms of data together as a distinct research design or method- ology is new. Thus the idea of mixing the data, the specif...
Mixed-methods research, which comprises both quantitative and qualitative components, is widely perceived as a means to resolve the inherent limitations of traditional single method designs and is thus expected to yield richer and more holistic findings. Despite such distinctive benefits and continuous ad...
A research proposal is an important document that outlines a plan for a research study. It should contain pertinent and sufficient information for the application of grants, scholarships, these proposals, and other scientific studies to be examined and approved by a panel of examiners. A research ...
Mixed methods research has increased in popularity over the past 20 years. Literature reveals that exploratory qualitative analysis followed by confirmatory survey research is common and concurrent studies outnumber longitudinal design. Longitudinal studies using quantitative and qualitative methods in sequence...
In 1998, Tashakkori and Teddlie observed that there was a “rapidly growing area of interest” in mixed method approach (ix). Johnson and Onwuegbuzie (2004) defined mixed methods research as “the class of research where the researcher mixes or combines quantitative and qualitative research ...
2.1Research Approach This study was aligned with and guided by a critical realist (CR) perspective. In line with North’s [22] perspective on CR, this study was guided by the principles of developing theory (i.e. first understanding of sport schools impacts, then, second, developing an unde...
This study is a 60-week, randomized placebo-controlled trial of a Chinese topical herbal medicine cream in 56 participants (28 in each arm) at the University of California at San Francisco Cancer Research Center. A mixed methods approach was used in the project. In this study we are working...
EpistemologyMultimethodMixed MethodResearch and theory building in Human Resource Development (HRD) and allied fields have not been spared the so-called paradigm wars with the preponderance of emYawson, Robert MSocial Science Electronic Publishing