Moreover, the external locus of control explains forgiveness negatively. In addition, adaptive perfectionism is the positive explanatory factor of forgiveness, and maladaptive perfectionism is the negative explanatory factor of forgiveness. In the qualitative results of the study, it ...
Females who competed vigorously against males were characterized as being masculine or androgynous, having more internal locus of control, and preferring nontraditional roles. The data on female physiological responses in competitive situations suggest that conflicting social demands raise anxiety levels for...
The DRA locus appears to be monomorphic (Wagner et al., 1995). Recently, a better understanding of the canine MHC loci has begun to emerge. In the cases of both class I and class II loci, the genomic clones were isolated using canine cDNA probes that previously had been isolated using ...
Medications may have a paradoxic reaction and exacerbate certain types of seizures, particularly in children with mixed seizure disorders. For example, carbamazepine or phenytoin may control generalized tonic-clonic seizures in patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, but they may aggravate myoclonic and...
Internal External Locus of Control; MADRS, Montgomery and Asberg Depression Rating Scale; MMT, mental model therapy; MSMQ, Multidimensional State Mindfulness Questionnaire; SMS-PA-12, State Mindfulness Scale for Physical Activity; SOC, Sense of Coherence Scale; SWE, Skala zur Allgemeinen Selbstwirksam...
Locus of Control and its association with Oral Health among 12 and 15 year olds in Bhopal City, Central India - Objectives: The aim of the study was to describe the health locus of control and to determine its association with oral health for 12 and 15 year old child... A Singh,B Pur...
Mullins LL, Siegel LJ, Hodges K: Cognitive problem-solving and life event correlates of depressive symptoms in children. J of Abn Child Psych 13: 305–314, 1984. 17. Rawson HE: The interrelationship of measures of manifest anxiety, self-esteem, locus of control, and depression in children ...
Autonomy reflects independence and how an individual regulates behavior using an internal locus of control based on personal stand- ards and guideposts. Environmental mastery includes how an individual seeks and creates contexts to promote personal needs. Purpose in life is described as meaning in ...
Applying MeDuSA to cohort-level RNA-sequencing datasets reveals associations of cell-state abundances with disease or treatment conditions and cell-state-dependent genetic control of transcription. Our study provides a high-accuracy and fine-resolution method for cell-state deconvolution along a one-...
From the analysis of the focus-group discussions, we demonstrated that cultural and dispositional differences contribute to the observed gender differences. Among these, the differing perceptions of in-game culture and individual attributions (i.e., goal orientation, locus of control) were prevalent ...