Childhood with CD Acquired CD is a more prevalent form of dyslipidemia in childhood.113 Diagnosis of familial combined hyperlipidemia (FH) requires the presence of increased Apo-B and sd-LDL particles in the patient and in at least two family members and one first-degree relative with the ...
Two inter- views were not recorded and thus not included in the analy- sis. Twenty-three of the participants received urgent results that pertained to risk for cancer, hyperlipidemia, cardiomy- opathy, or arrhythmia, and it was recommended, rather than merely presented as an option, that ...
In the present study, we investigated the effect of PS esterified to high oleic sunflower oil (HOSO) fatty acids mixed with dietary diacylglycerol (DAG) in HOSO matrix (PS-HOSO) or soybean oil on the development of metabolic syndrome and diabetic symptoms in P. obesus. ...