(WG) Week1Week5 VariablesintheAnalysis:InaMGfactorialdesignthevariablesintheanalysisare theBGIV(Breed)andthevariablesthatholdtheDV scoresforeachIVcondition(week1&week2) Belowarethedescriptivestatistics: Belowisatableofthetypecommonlyusedinresearchreportswhichwas composedfromtheSPSSoutputtableontheleft--be...
SPSSwon’trunwithonly1DV Click“Analyze” “GeneralLinearModel” “Multivariate…” Sameas“Univariate…”command,butletsyouadd 2+DV’s MultivariableANOVA=Either2+IV’sor2+ DV’s FactorialANOVA=2+IV’s MANOVA Assumptions Sameasone-wayandfactorialANOVA ...
TheprintoutsthatfollowweregeneratedusingSASprocmixed,butIgivetheSPSS commandsaswell.Ionlygivethesecommandsforoneysis,buttherearerelatively easytomodifyforrelatedyses. Thedatafollow.NoticethattosetthisupforANOVA(procGLM)wereadinthedata onesubjectatatime.(Youcanseethisisthedatashown.)Thiswillbecomeimportant ...
Testing the factorial validity and factorial invariance of the measure among borderline personality disorder, anxiety disorder, eating disorder and general populations. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.1974. Coyne, J. C. (1976). Depression and the response of others....
mixed factorial design 2 x 3 mixed factorial design Gender and tv viewing habits (hours Gender and tv viewing habits (hours watched per week) watched per week) drama comedy news male 4 7 2 male 3 5 1 male 7 9 6 male 6 6 2 male 5 5 1 female 8 2 5 female 4 1 1 female 6 3...
Online learning has gradually become a mainstream teaching method to replace traditional classroom teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are some issues such as the lack of theoretical guidance on online learning, and the influencing factors of online learning effect are not well prov...