而mix together则多用于物,将物品混合,通常放在句末,例如“Part of the plan was that the town should not fall into industrial and residential zones, but mix the two parts together”(计划的一部分是这座城市不应该划分为工业区和居住区,而应把2个部分融合在一起)。最后,从强调重点来看,mix up侧...
I've always considered Key Lock on CDJ's cheating, simply because it allows you to mix 2 songs together that might NOT normally sound In Key if that feature wasn't present. So basically, are you saying that you might not be able to reproduce the SAME MIX, using the SAME SONGS on vin...
1.(tr) to combine or blend (ingredients, liquids, objects, etc) together into one mass 2.(intr) to become or have the capacity to become combined, joined, etc:some chemicals do not mix. 3.(tr) to form (something) by combining two or more constituents:to mix cement. ...
2.mix- open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups; "This school is completely desegregated" desegregate,integrate 3.mix- combine (electronic signals); "mixing sounds" combine,compound- put or add together; "combine resources" ...
Mixed drinkin the modern liquor sense is recorded by 1868; the thing itself is older; Bartlett (1859) lists sixty names "given to the various compounds or mixtures of spirituous liquors and wines served up in fashionable bar rooms in the United States," all from a single advertisement. The...
MIX is a hypothetical computer used in Donald Knuth's monograph, The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP). MIX's model number is 1009, which was derived by combining the model numbers and names of several contemporaneous, commercial machines deemed significant by the author. 例句与用法 1. Let'...
Even with that bit of tub thumping out of the way, though, it’s not quite time to start flexing the faders yet, because one of the key factors in putting together a professional-sounding mix is preparing the ground properly. A major stumbling block for small-studio owners is that they’...
2. mix around (jumble up): mix around names, objects scambiare mix around letters of word scombinare pancake mix [ˈpæŋkeɪkˌmɪks] SOST pancake mix (in packet) preparato m per pancake pancake mix (batter) impasto m per pancake ready-mix [ingl am ˈrɛdi...
And I said to the clerk, " wouldn't it be poetic if these two names got mixed up? " OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Why did I ever get myself mixed up with this? opensubtitles2 The minister also referred to the need to 'not mix up the financing of the EU and ESA. cordis I'd like ...
They have been known by many names, including mycetozoa (fungus animals), because although they never develop hyphae they produce fruiting bodies (sporangia) supported on cellulose-rich stalks. There are two large groups – the cellular slime molds (the dictyostelids, e.g., Dictyostelium) and...