The homoclinic test technique proposed by Dai et al for finding the periodic solitary wave solutions is further improved by expressing the quasi-solution as a nonlinear combination of trigonometric function and hyperbolic function.The effectiveness of the improved method is demonstrated by application to...
Effects of Kondo scattering on the Dingle temperature are discussed with regard to magnetic-field-depreciation of the Kondo state.doi:10.1016/0038-1098(72)90377-8E.W. FentonElsevier LtdSolid State Communications
Hiroshima, Y, Maawy, A, Sato, S, Murakami, T, Uehara, F, Miwa, S et al.. Hand-held high-resolution fluorescence imaging system for fluorescence-guided surgery of patient and cell-line pancreatic tumors growing orthotopically in nude mice... In this study, we investigated the advantages ...
产品型号U9ALV2EAR66-1 商品数量100000 所属系列日本MIWA美和门锁 关键词日本美和MIWA酒店 数量-+ 产品信息 联系方式 ALV2 智能和时尚的射频识别卡门锁 此款感应式电子锁是美和锁业新产品,为现今酒店业量身定做的电子锁系列。该系列门锁使用新的射频识别技术,外观大方,持久耐用,便于宾客和员工使用。该系统凝聚了...
Via this method, a pair of resonance kink stripe solitons and rogue wave is studied. Rogue wave is triggered by the interaction between lump soliton and a pair of resonance kink stripe solitons. It is exciting that rogue wave must be attached to the stripe solitons from its appearing to ...
脉压为伴高脂血症者腹主动脉壁钙化进展的独立预测指标[Miwa Y,Tsushima M,Afima H,et al.Hypertension 钙化预测指标腹主动脉脉压高脂血症流行病学研究血管壁独立晚近的流行病学研究结果提示,主动脉和冠状动脉壁钙化为心血管病发病率、病死率的重要预测指标。然而关于血压各组份与血管壁钙化进展程度间关系远未...
脉压为伴高脂血症者腹主动脉壁钙化进展的独立预测指标[Miwa Y,Tsushima M,Afima H,et al.Hypertension 钙化预测指标腹主动脉脉压高脂血症流行病学研究血管壁独立晚近的流行病学研究结果提示,主动脉和冠状动脉壁钙化为心血管病发病率,病死率的重要预测指标.然而关于血压各组份与血管壁钙化进展程度间关系远未清楚...
doi:10.1142/S0217984921503000M. YounisA. R. SeadawyM. BilalS. T. R. RizviSaad AlthobaitiMohamed AlkafafyWorld Scientific Publishing CompanyModern Physics Letters B
The equation, it turns out, is rich in its symmetry structure and produces a large class of conservation laws and what we term as 'approximate' conservation laws.doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2020.110636A.F. AljohaniBader Mutair AlqurashiA.H. Kara...