需完整Root权限,已知部分面具模块会导致权限错误! 应用截图 <> 多平台下载 Android版 MIUI本地化工具箱 v0.59 安卓版 直接点击下载 直接点击下载 中文名:本地化工具箱 包名:moe.minamigo.MiuiEULocalization MD5:44C8FAC12867DE98BC150E478CF260EE
"applicationId": "moe.minamigo.MiuiEuLocalization", "variantName": "release", "elements": [ { "type": "SINGLE", "filters": [], "versionCode": 1, "versionName": "0.84", "outputFile": "app-release.apk" } ] } Binary file added BIN +6 KB app/src/.DS_Store Binary file not...
文件路径:/sdcard/MiuiEULocalization/ErrorLog.tar\\n日志包含设备基本信息,请勿公开发布!</string> <string name="mainactivity_button_clean_package_cache">清除包缓存</string> <string name="mainactivity_button_reset_package_restriction">重置包限制</string> </resources> 4 changes: 3 additions & ...
you can always get the latest miui roms with localization and chinese bloatware removed on xiaomi.eu ReplyD AnonD-400081 YMk 24 Mar 2016 Anonymous, 24 Mar 2016Yeah, their last flagship only now get marshmallow (6 month... moreAre you really doing a comparison between Samsung, Sony vs ...