This website delivers information on the history of Mitsubishi as well as the latest activities of Mitsubishi related organizations. Explore the global website of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, a leading worldwide manufacturer of electrical and electronic products including air conditioning systems, elevators and escalators, solar panels, factory automation equipment, and outdoor video displays. ...
• MODBUS 是 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC USA, INC.的注册商标。 • “FR Configurator2” 是三菱电机株式会社的著作物。 本软件相关的著作权及其他权利均归三菱电机株式会社所有。 • 无三菱电机株式会社的许可,禁止复印及复制本使用手册的部分或全部。 • 其他所记载的公司名称、产品名称都是各公司的商标或注册...