在动力方面,Eclipse Cross 则以全新进化的1.5T 缸内直喷涡轮引擎,搭配模拟8 速CVT 无段变速系统,充分满足Eclipse Cross 在前卫动感外表下的跑格灵魂。这具原厂代号4B40 的新引擎,采排气量1499cc、直列四缸设定,最可贵的是,它在涡轮增压以及缸内燃油直喷系统的挹注下,漂亮地具备163ps/5500rpm 最大马力,以及25.4...
Build & PriceSpecial OffersTRIMS Which Eclipse Cross Is Right for You?ES LE SE SEL SEL TOURING ES 25 MPG City/28 MPG Highway2 • 7 Airbags20 • S-AWC6 From $26,5451 Key Features 16-Inch Two-Tone Alloy Wheels 7.0" Display Audio Active Stability Control (ASC) Forward Collision ...
主动安全方面更加丰富,Eclipse Cross全车系都配备了含行人侦测功能的FCM主动式智慧煞车辅助系统、LDW车道偏移警示系统、AHB智慧型远光灯系统、ASC车身动态稳定控制系统、TCL循迹防滑控制系统、ABS防锁定煞车系统、BAS煞车力辅助系统、EBD电子煞车力分配系统、BAS煞车力辅助系统、EBD电子煞车力分配系统、BOS煞车优先系统、HSA...
首先在巴西市场限量仅仅只有200部配额的《Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross Sport》部分,在以当地售卖《Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross》既有HPE-S S-AWC高阶车型为基础下,顾名思义Mitsubishi Motors Brasil推出这款限量特别仕样车的最主要目的便是希望能够展现出比起当地售卖一般《Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross》要来得更为鲜明、浓郁的...
Engineers also optimized the front-rear weight distribution on the Eclipse Cross and lowered its center of gravity by positioning the high capacity drive battery under the center of the floor. This gave it an even more comfortable ride, with superior steering stability. The gasoline model...
Mitsubishi 公布小改款 Eclipse Cross 的车身侧面照。 Eclipse Cross 是 2017 年 Mitsubishi 上市的全新跨界跑旅车,将当年 Eclipse 的跑车转变为跑旅车风格。 Mitsubishi 目前针对 Eclipse Cross 小改的规划信息透露仍少,仅公布了些许剪影照片,以及测试影片,不过影片中满满的伪装。
2019年的Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross是3钻石团队的最新成员,为本田CR-V,日产Rogue和现代途胜等支柱提供了一个有趣的替代品。Eclipse Cross提供独特的造型,令人印象深刻的功能和业务中最好的新车保修之一,现在可与现代和起亚相媲美。虽然拥有5名乘客的Eclipse Cross提供与其主要竞争对手类似的定价,但它在转售领域不足,...
2023 Eclipse Cross Swoopy styling; compact outer dimensions; powertrain warranty; low base price; all-wheel drive; sporty driving characteristics Select Browse Listings 2022 Eclipse Cross Swoopy styling; compact outer dimensions; powertrain warranty; low base price; all-wheel drive; sporty driving charac...
The Eclipse Cross brings a unique style, quiet ride, and generous warranty coverage, but fails to excel in any single metric.
7.This price is for 2 rows , if you need 3 rows mats , need contact with seller and pay extra money . 8.Packing and Shipping: We will carefully check the quality of each product before packing. All our products are folded and packaged for shipping according to international package size...