Mitotracker Green (MTG)是一种荧光探针,用于研究线粒体在活细胞中的定位和数量。它通过与线粒体膜内的蛋白质结合,利用线粒体膜的电化学梯度来标记线粒体并观察其功能和数量的变化。MTG的应用广泛,不仅可以在基础研究中提供有关线粒体生物学的重要信息,还可以在药物研发中帮助理解药物的作用机制。通过研究线粒体...
Mito Tracker Green(MTG)是一种用于细胞和分子生物学研究的荧光探针。它被广泛应用于研究线粒体结构和功能,例如线粒体动力学、呼吸链活性和细胞凋亡等。MTG的激发波长和发射波长是使用该探针时需要考虑的重要参数。 激发波长 激发波长是指MTG分子吸收能量并转化为荧光发射的波长范围。MTG的激发波长为490纳米至500纳米...
MitoTracker染色剂是一种荧光染色剂,通过与线粒体内的蛋白质反应,可以靶向染色线粒体。MitoTracker染料包括多种类别,如MitoTracker Green FM (MTG)和MitoTracker Red CMXRos (MTR)等。MTG主要用于观察活细胞线粒体的形态和分布,而MTR则常用于研究线粒体膜电势的变化和线粒体与其他细胞结构的交互作用。 MitoTracker...
MitoTracker染色剂是一种荧光染色剂,通过与线粒体内的蛋白质反应,可以靶向染色线粒体。MitoTracker染料包括多种类别,如MitoTracker Green FM (MTG)和MitoTracker Red CMXRos (MTR)等。MTG主要用于观察活细胞线粒体的形态和分布,而MTR则常用于研究线粒体膜电势的变化和线粒体与其他细胞结构的交互作用。 MitoTracker...
MitoTracker Green (MTG) is a mitochondrial-selective fluorescent label commonly used in confocal microscopy and flow cytometry. It is expected that this dye selectively accumulates in the mitochondrial matrix where it covalently binds to mitochondrial proteins by reacting with free thiol groups of cystei...
MitoTracker Green (MTG) is a mitochondrial-selective fluorescent label commonly used in confocal microscopy and flow cytometry. It is expected that this dye selectively accumulates in the mitochondrial matrix where it covalently binds to mitochondrial proteins by reacting with free thiol groups of cystei...
Flow cytometric analyzes of Mitotracker Green (MTG) fluorescence profile were performed in a human erythroleukemic cell line and its resistant counterpart. In this report we demonstrated that MTG, a probe used to evaluate the mitochondrial mass, is a P -glycoprotein substrate and its staining ...
CCCP-induced changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential evaluated by two fluorescent lipophilic cationic dyes: Mitotracker Red (MTR)/Green (MTG) (A) and JC-1 (B).Thomas, HenziBeat, Schwaller
We set out to develop an assay for the simultaneous analysis of mitochondrial membrane potential and mass using the probes 10-nonyl acridine orange (NAO), MitoFluor Green (MFG), and MitoTracker Green (MTG) in HL60 cells. However, in experiments in which NAO and MFG were combined with ...
Efficacy of MitoTracker Green and CMXrosamine to measure changes in mitochondrial membrane potentials in living cells and tissues Our results indicate that CMXRos is a nontoxic sensitive indicator of relative changes in MMP, whereas MTG is relatively insensitive to MMP and oxidative s... W Pendergr...