Also‚ whether cells replicate in order for it to reproduce. By observing the onion root under the microscope it allows many layers to be looked at through each cell division. The goal of Mitosis is the replication of cells to produce multiple like cells. The steps involved in Mitosis are...
Video S1. In vitro proplatelet formation of WT BM-derived MKs using time-lapse microscopy, related to Figure 3. MKs were allowed to adhere to poly-L-lysine and imaged over 24h at 37°C using a Leica TCS SP8 confocal microscope (10x objective) taking pictures every 20 min. Scale bar, ...
Technologypart:Youwilluploadyourpicturesintoaprogramthatwillhelpyoucreateyouranimation. JellyCamisafreedownloadthatwilluploadyourpicsandcreatetheanimationforyou.Itdoeslimityou inthatyoucannotaddsound.iMovieorWindowsMovieMakerisavailablealsobutitwillbealittle morelaborintensive. Grading:3gradeswillbetakenduringthis...