某药业有限公司生产的乳酸依沙丫啶(利凡诺尔粉),该药品国家批准为原料药,类别属于消毒防腐药。该药品外包装和说明书中擅自标示适应症,其中“近年应用于中期妊娠引产成功率可达98%左右,又可用 于提取人血白蛋白”属于厂家擅自用语。 该类药品生产企业明知药品标准有规定的适应症或功能主治,却擅自在药品包装标签...
Mitosis is the process of nuclear division, which occurs just prior to cell division, or cytokinesis. During this multistep process,cell chromosomes condense and the spindle assembles. ... Each set of chromosomes is then surrounded by a nuclear membrane, and the parent cell splits into two co...
The meaning of MITOSIS is a process that takes place in the nucleus of a dividing cell, involves typically a series of steps consisting of prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, and results in the formation of two new nuclei each having the same n
Which of the following processes occurs during meiosis and not mitosis? A. Cytokinesis B. Cytogenesis C. Crossing-over D. Crossing-under How does mitosis work? Explain in detail and give examples. What is the phase of mitosis and meiosis?
Mitosis is the process of nuclear division, which occurs just prior to cell division, or cytokinesis. During this multistep process, cell chromosomes condense and the spindle assembles. The duplicated chromosomes then attach to the spindle, align at the cell equator, and move apart as the spindl...
cell division in which mitosis occurs mitosis同义词 n. 间接核分裂,[细胞]有丝分裂 karyokinesis mitosis词源中文解释 "有核分裂的过程,细胞核染色质的分裂",1887年,德语中创造出这个词,源自希腊语 mitos "织物的线",一个不确定词源的词,加上现代拉丁语 -osis "行为,过程"。这个术语是由德国解剖学家瓦尔特...
In general, mitosis occurs through several stages that include:Prophase (divided into prophase and prometaphase) Metaphase Anaphase TelophaseBecause of the rapid rate at which onion root tips grow as a result of rapid cell division, it's possible to observe and identify the different stages of ...
Mitosis Phases in Order | What Are the Stages of Mitosis? from Chapter 8 / Lesson 7 127K Stages of Mitosis. Learn about the steps of mitosis, including what occurs in the cell at each stage and the main differences between mitosis and meiosis. Relat...
The goal of mitosis image/sequence classification is to detect if a mitotic event occurs in the sequence. 2. Spatial and/or temporal localization of mitotic events in microscopy images. To better analyze cell behavior, we need to further locate the spatial and temporal positions of mitotic events...
56 Although condensin has also been implicated to regulate higher-order chromosome structure during interphase, studies on condensin perturbation reveal that aberration occurs predominantly during chromosomal condensation and mitotic progression.57 Hence, targeted inhibition of condensin will generally affect ...