Mitosis happens exclusively in eukaryotic cells because this type of cell has anucleus.The nucleus of a cell contains its genetic matter, and this is what is passed to the new “daughter” cells in the process of mitosis, or cell division. In order to replicate the genetic material, mitosis...
occursin(germ)cellsofreproductiveorgans ovaries&testes celldividestwice resultsin: 4haploidcells with½#ofchromosomes(asparentcell) 23(humans) function: makesgametes(sperm&eggs)forsex.reprod. promotesvariation Diploid&HaploidCells Whatdoesitmeanwhenacellis“diploid”? cellcontainstwoofeach(typeof)chromos...
What is difference of cell conditions between liver cells and onion root tips based on mitotic index of them? What causes the apical meristem to produce new cells? Why do cells divide? Why are animal cells more irregularly shaped than plant cells? How does mitosis in animal cells differ fro...
Mitosis occurs in what type of cells? (somatic or germ or both) What process is called "one cell division", meiosis or mitosis? Which phase of the cell cycle would cytokinesis begin to divide the the cytoplasm of the cells (and therefore create 2 new daughter cells)? a. Interphase b. ...
types of cells in the body has a different lifespan. For example, red blood cells live about a month and white blood cells live more than a year, while skin cells live for only a few weeks. This makes it necessary for cells to replicate, or create replacement cells, on a regular ...
What cells can undergo mitosis? Three types of cells in the body undergo mitosis. They aresomatic cells, adult stem cells, and the cells in the embryo. Somatic cells – Somatic cells are the regular cells in the body of multicellular organisms. ...
The Purpose of Mitosis Mitosis does the same basic thing as binary fission in prokaryotes: It makes two identical daughter cells. Only a few cells in the human body, located in the gonads (ovaries in women, testes in men), use a second, more involved type cell division, called meiosis....
Whathappensifcelldivisionisuncontrolled?Somethingundesirable!Forexample,melanoma,atypeofskincancercausedbyuncontrolledgrowthofmelanocytes.CellDivision Cellularreproductionisakeyelementof lifeRequires3things:1)Replicationofgeneticmaterials 2)Accuratesegregationofgeneticmaterials3)Divisionofcytoplasm Processneeds...
Mitosis: (onion roots) Root cells are good for observing mitosis; this is because they're in the tip of the root which is an area of the plant that grows...
Mitosis forms somatic cells, which are also referred to as the cells of the body (having a 2n or diploid number of chromosomes). This is the type of cell division all of the cells in the body do except for those responsible for “sex cell” production. There are 4 main phases in ...