Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to mitogen:Pokeweed mitogen mi·to·gen (mī′tə-jən) n. An agent that induces mitosis. [mito(sis)+-gen.] mi′to·gen′ic(mī′tə-jĕn′ĭk, mĭt′ə-)adj. mi′to·ge·nic′i·ty(-jə-nĭs′ĭ-tē)n. ...
1 × 106 peritoneal exudate adherent cells were uninfected (nil) or infected with 2 × 105 PFU of TMEV for 24 h. Relative levels of TLR3, TLR7, and IFN-β mRNA were evaluated by real-time PCR. Data are means of three to five samples each of a representative experiment evaluated by ...
(7rbo-aa3rmri3ei-cen9;t7atcatriagouanb,f)b:oaersmrtaitrnrreteo–laeeatnilcvadiedt]e,;x'a+Mn['4dWa7n],damwb'−soeorl'eleuicntusdeuliabcrqamutweiatenftoietgdrithwattta;oiropdntIh,aein(sidoHTeRreleveAvecaeQtrr)sgiceebnopaorosimieenndett;adtiotnhse, subcelldualtaarblaosceattioondo...
The lightly shaded bar (Nil) indicates the proliferative response of the responder T cells without added CD4+ cells. The darkly shaded bar indicates the effect of control CD4+ cells which had been cultured with stimulator cells without TGF-β. The black bar indicates the effect of CD4+ cells...
Encyclopedia Wikipedia mi·to·gen (mī′tə-jən) n. An agent that induces mitosis. [mito(sis)+-gen.] mi′to·gen′ic(mī′tə-jĕn′ĭk, mĭt′ə-)adj. mi′to·ge·nic′i·ty(-jə-nĭs′ĭ-tē)n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...