Other Words From non·mit·i·ga·tive, non·mit·i·ga·to·ryadjective un·mit·i·ga·tiveadjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofmitigating1 First recorded in1565–75;mitigat(e)(def)+-ing2(def)for the adjective;mitigat(e)(def)+-ing1(def)for the noun ...
Perhaps the use withagainstin the one instance has soured Panelists on its use in the other. This intransitive use is relatively recent in comparison with the long-established transitive use, so novelty might play a role as well. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
In other words, it assesses how gross domestic product (GDP) would have been affected, had severe natural disasters not occurred. Moreover, it explores the determinants of the destructiveness of the impact of natural disasters, focusing on the role played by capital. We find that severe natural...
Find out which words work together and produce more natural-sounding English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. Try it for free as part of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app. See mitigating in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary Check pronunciation: mitigatingOther...
Words that can be made with the letters in mitigating Sponsored Links Dictionary definitions of the word mitigating The meaning of mitigating mitigating 2 definitions of the word mitigating. Verb Lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of ...
In other words, R2 offers a measure of how effectively the variations in surface UHII can be explained by the NRLC in the regression model52. The greater the extent to which rural land cover elucidates variations in the UHI, the more pronounced its influence on UHI dynamics and its efficacy...
In other words, peripheral CSR is typically associated with a new type of economic activity, requiring novel capability development and new managerial routines. Reputational effects may also come into play here, but are related more to the firm's overall social license to operate, i.e., these ...
Since it is just as easy to deviate from, rather than adhere to, the predetermined course after a while, some incentive must be given to the person in charge of implementation. In other words, the classic proverb of using sticks and carrots is still valid although it is not always taken ...
In other words, the contribution of these neurons is removed temporally on the forward propagation, and weight updating is not applied on the backward pass40. This technique helps avoid overfitting (i.e., the predictive model learns well but cannot predict correctly). The flatten layer transforms...
In particular, subsidizing alternative food production methods would generate incentives for producers to choose to engage in other forms of production. In other words, one way to solve a collective action problem involves introducing disincentives, and another way involves introducing new incentives. If...