▲Admissions: https://dusp.mit.edu/masters#master-in-city-planning-(mcp) Master of Science inUrban Studies and Planning (SM) #课程介绍 SM 是一个非专业学位,面向在城市规划或相关领域拥有多年杰出实践的专业人士,他们:清楚地了解他们想在 MIT 学习的课程、他们想写的论文和 DUSP他们希望与之合作的教员。
#网址 https://tech.cornell.edu/programs/masters-programs/jacobs-technion-cornell-dual-ms-connective-media/ 4.University of Washington Master of Science in Technology Innovation (MSTI) 项目时长:15-months 语言要求:TOEFL 100(Speaking不低于26) MSTI项目将带领学生开发下一代智能物联网和机器人的解决方案。
我的导师在申研的各方面都有帮助到我,经常提出很多独特的见解,还提供了不少资源,也向我推荐了合适的科研项目,在我做出决定前帮我double check思路。 同时跟Smart和Pace聊天也让我学到了很多,他们非常负责,定期会check in我的情况,也在很多masters项目的面试准备上有超多资源。班主任周老师同样帮了我挺多,包括制定...
https://mit.zoom.us/webinar/register/9017123479167/WN_J5Mb7Kg7QVC5A8BNN0Di3w#/registration 感兴趣但不能参加的同学,通过zoom注册后,可获取宣讲会回放。 宣讲内容: The MicroMasters® program in Data, Economics, and Design of Pol...
aMIT offers special educational programs, ranging from one-week short courses to year-long masters programs in management and in engineering. MIT为经年大师节目提供特别教育规划,范围从1个星期的短训班在管理和在工程学。[translate]
Old Dominion University (#13) Old Dominion University (ODU) maintains various online Master of Science in Education (MSEd) programs that can lead to initial teacher licensure in Virginia, including programs in elementary education (grades PreK to 6), secondary education (grades 6 to 12), and sp...
led me, luckily, on a parallel and related, but also different track: after dropping out of an educations masters program in Germany, I received a professional certificate in CS/IT from a German chamber of commerce, and have worked as a programmer since--now at Columbia University in NYC....
Big Data Certification Course from University of Adelaide (edX) With the technological advancement that is taking place every day, big data is becoming a bigger part of our work and life gradually. This MicroMasters program teaches you towork with the tools and analytical methods to use data fo...
MIT University Campus 3rd Macedonian Brigade Boulevard, Skopje 1000 Skopje MK Open in Maps Universidad de Belgrano (UB) Buenos Aires, Argentina #781-790 QS World University Rankings 44 Available programs View DetailsShortlistCompare #151+ World University Rankings - Masters In Management ...
Masters Programs offered: On-campus Description:Master of Science in Management Studies offers opportunity for highly talented and qualified students from around the world who have already completed or are completing overseas MBA or equivalent degree programs. This program accepts a few top MBA or ...