国际青年物理学家暑期项目(International Summer School for Young Physicists,简称ISSYP)是加拿大理论物理研究机构(一个独立、非营利性的科研机构)举办的为期两周的夏校。项目主要是理论物理方向,要求申请者对理论物理和数学有真正的兴趣。学生将有机会与物...
国际青年物理学家暑期项目(International Summer School for Young Physicists,简称ISSYP)是加拿大理论物理研究机构(一个独立、非营利性的科研机构)举办的为期两周的夏校。项目主要是理论物理方向,要求申请者对理论物理和数学有真正的兴趣。学生将有机会与...
✔个人陈述 官网:https://www.nyu.edu/admissions/high-school-and-middle-school-programs.html 09、Babson Summer Programfor High School Students Babson Summer Program for High School Students是一项为期 3 周以上的体验式在线课程,旨在帮助学生培养创业思维,培养解决问题和团队合作的技能。学生将在其中培养在...
PRIMES: Program for Research in Mathematics, Engineering and Science for High School Students PRIMES是一个免费的、为期一年的高中生课后研究项目。PRIMES包括三个部分:MIT PRIMES、PRIMES- usa和PRIMES Circle,只面向美国高中生及在美国就读高中的外国学生。 10 斯坦福大学Stanford University ①High School Summer C...
国际青年物理学家暑期项目(International Summer School for Young Physicists,简称ISSYP)是加拿大理论物理研究机构(一个独立、非营利性的科研机构)举办的为期两周的夏校。项目主要是理论物理方向,要求申请者对理论物理和数学有真正的兴趣。学生将有机会与物理学家共同做研究。所有的学生都会进入研究院,组成小组完成研究项...
5、International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) 网址:https://perimeterinstitute.ca/issyp 6、Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) 网址: https://belinblank.education.uiowa.edu/students/sstp/ 7、Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) ...
② Yale Summer Online ③ Certificate Programs for International Students ④ Summer Drama Program ⑤ Yale Writers' Workshop ⑥ Yale Summer Session Programs Abroad ▶ 报名时间 不同项目有不同截止时间,基本在4-6月之间,请以具体查询为准。 ▶ 项目时间 ...
5、International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) 网址:https://perimeterinstitute.ca/issyp 6、Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) 网址: https://belinblank.education.uiowa.edu/students/sstp/ 7、Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) ...
However, Will’s mother, who was part of his school board, had a connection with MIT, which wanted to admit Smith to a pre-engineering summer program for high school kids. As it turns out, Will Smith didn’t attend this program, either. 8. MIT Invented a System that Provides Cooling ...
Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above). Here are a ...