it’s been my calling to elevate myself and those around me and inspire to do better. And though I’ve used every opportunity I could during my graduate years when I ran the Young Entrepreneur’s Student
10 @ucxpresso/nano11uxx uCXpresso BLE Framework for LPC11U3x (ARM Cortex-M0) ↗️ 10 @kevinlin311tw/caffe-augmentation ⚡ Caffe real-time data augmentation on-the-fly!! 9 @yocox/yrp Recursive Descent Parser by C++ template 6 @legnaleurc/junkcode Some useless scripts ↗️ 5 @ai...
For Jay Groves, inspiration began with tweezers. As a graduate student, Groves was studying cell membranes- the fatty wrappers that enclose living cells- and the proteins that stud them. Though 80 percent of drugs work by binding to these proteins, they are poorly understood and hard to study...
For Jay Groves, inspiration began with tweezers. As a graduate student, Groves was studying cell membranes- the fatty wrappers that enclose living cells- and the proteins that stud them. Though 80 percent of drugs work by binding to these proteins, they are poorly understood and hard to study...