Offers: Harvard Physics, MIT Physics, Berkeley Physics, Princeton ECE, Boulder Physics, Columbia Physics, UCLA Physics, etc. Rej: Caltech Physics (short-listed with interview). 01 大学规划 由于我刚上大学那会确实很想多接触科研,看看自己喜不喜欢,同时有出国意向,也了解到科研是申请PhD最重要的因素,...
Richard Feynman studied ‘Introduction to Theoretical Physics’ in his second year at MIT, an advanced class intended for postgraduate students, and graduated in 1939. He then studied a PhD atPrinceton Universitybefore working on the Manhattan Project, having been persuaded to help build the first ...
and also the Department of Physics at MIT often ranks the number one in the world now, ...
Bielajew was looking to work on solutions that could positively impact global problems and feed her love of physics. Nuclear engineering, especially the study of fusion as a carbon-free energy source, checked off both boxes. Bielajew is now a fourth-year doctoral candidate in the Department o...
“Getting straight A’s is really, really tough,” Wang said. “You’re probably going to get a B, and maybe even a C or D, and that’s okay. I got an F on my first physics exam. Grades are only one way to measure what you’ll learn here.” ...
Hailing from Wallingford, Connecticut, David Darrow is majoring in mathematics with minors in physics and German. At Cambridge University he will undertake an MPhil in scientific computing. Darrow aspires to become a professor of mathematical physics and do work in fluid dynamics or climate modeling...
“Getting straight A’s is really, really tough,” Wang said. “You’re probably going to get a B, and maybe even a C or D, and that’s okay. I got an F on my first physics exam. Grades are only one way to measure what you’ll learn here.” ...
Longtime appreciator and first-time hacker Jim Mottonen PhD ’89, a senior research associate in the Department of Physics & Optical Science at UNC-Charlotte. Mottonen turned the whole endeavor into a spirited family adventure, complete with code names for all of the mission’s participants. Mot...
Admission Offers of PHD: Harvard- Applied Physics MIT-EECS Columbia-Physics Northwestern-Materials UIUC- Materials UCSD- Physics RICE- Physics David 学长开挂的offer满贯背后是他 严谨的时间规划、刻苦的科学研究、准确的自我定位…… David 学长将会与大家分享: ...
Arup K. Chakraborty and Paula Hammond ’84, PhD ’93, have been named Institute Professors, the highest honor for MIT faculty members. Chakraborty, the founding director of MIT’s Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES), is a pioneer in appl