可以观察到字段名中有很多不需要的符号,比如空格,百分号等等,后期会影响系统的识别,建议删除全部的不需要的符号。 PlayedVideo字段中有非数字的符号,需要转换程数字才能进行分析。
19 of the best Georgia Tech courses you can take online for free Take free lessons on Python, machine learning, and much more. 12/14/2024 By Joseph Green 33 of the best AI courses you can take online for free Gain a better understanding of this technology without spending anything. ...
Du hast also angefangen, Python zu lernen und dich in seine Einfachheit und Vielseitigkeit verliebt? Wir können dir nicht die Schuld geben, es ist eine großartige Sprache! Dieser Kurs wird deine Fähigkeiten auf die nächste Stufe heben. Du lernst, wie man komplexere Programme erstell...
Udemy’s “Python – The Complete Bootcamp” offers a fast-paced and intensive introduction to Python, making it suitable for learners who wish to grasp the essentials and apply their knowledge quickly. Despite its short duration, the course efficiently covers Python basics, including data types, ...
编程语言: Java & Python 个人评分: ★★☆☆☆ 课业压力: ★★★ 这门课是15学分的云计算导论,...
如果你正就读于计算机专业,或者是对计算机科学感兴趣,那你对麻省理工学院(MIT)的课程一定不会陌生。这所已有 150 多年历史的知名学府,近日放出了 2400 门课程资料,其中也包括电气工程和计算机科学系的多门公开课。 课程链接:https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/ ...
https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/most-visited-courses/ Linear AlgebraMITocwpython “Deep Learning” Online Book March 22, 2018ChefCouscous Uncategorized 1 Comment Most popular AI Deeplearning Book by MIT : [English] http://www.deeplearningbook.org/ [中文版] https://exacity.github.io/deeplearnin...
Finally, you can use the knowledge gained in the courses above to take MIT’sIntroduction to Machine Learningcourse. This program will walk you through the implementation of predictive models in Python. The core focus of this course is in supervised and reinforcement learning problems, and you wi...
July 26, 2018tomcircleAI,Computer Language / Compiler,Education,Modern MathLeave a comment https://ocw.mit.edu/about/ One of the BEST in the world is“Linear Algebra” by Prof Gilbert Strang https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/most-visited-courses/ ...
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