Copy license text to clipboard Suggest this license Make a pull request to suggest this license for a project that is not licensed. Please be polite: see if a license has already been suggested, try to suggest a license fitting for the project’s community, and keep your communication with...
A short and simple permissive license with no conditions, not even requiring preservation of copyright and license notices. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.
在仓库设置页面的左侧,有一个名为“Options”的菜单,点击它展开菜单并选择“License”。 步骤4:选择许可证类型。 在“License”页面上,您会看到选择许可证的选项。点击“Add a license template”按钮。 步骤5:选择MIT许可证。 在“Choose a license template”页面上,您可以看到不同的许可证选项。在搜索栏中输入...
While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own...
[摘要]本文将探析BSD开源许可证(Berkeley Software Distribution License)和MIT开源许可证这两类“元老级”的宽松型开源许可协议(Permissive free software licence)的合规问题。 在开源软件领域,有多个重要的开源许可协议,例如GNU General Public License(简称“GPL”) 开源许可协议、Apache开源许可协议、BSD开源许可协议、...
如果说有什么东西正在为开源世界保驾护航,那就一定不能不提到开源许可证(Open Source License),正是因为这些各不相同的开源许可证的共同支持下,才有了现在这么繁荣的开源软件社区。
开源不等于免费,开源也不等于没有约束。 参考 gihub对选择license的介绍: 阮一峰原文解释:https://www.
Choose aBitrix24license Cloud version Bitrix24On-premise Project users: unlimited business users: 12 Cloud capacity: 5 GB Free cloud service for a small company with up to 12 employees. Includes basic functionality. Choose edition Project+
[摘要]本文将探析BSD开源许可证(Berkeley Software Distribution License)和MIT开源许可证这两类“元老级”的宽松型开源许可协议(Permissive free software licence)的合规问题。 在开源软件领域,有多个重要的开源许可协议,例如GNU General Public License(简称“GPL”) 开源许可协议、Apache开源许可协议、BSD开源许可协议、...
LGPL(GNU Lesser General Public License) LGPL是GPL的一个为主要为类库使用设计的开源协议。和GPL要求任何使用/修改/衍生之GPL类库的的软件必须采用GPL协议不同。LGPL 允许商业软件通过类库引用(link)方式使用LGPL类库而不需要开源商业软件的代码。这使得采用LGPL协议的开源代码可以被商业软件作为类库引用并 发布和销售。