1. 哈佛大学 网址:http://online-learning.harvard.edu/ 进入官方网站页面,可以看到所有课程介绍:既有免费课程,又有付费课程,内容涵盖十分广泛。包括法律、世界卫生、商业、教育、领导力培养、计算机科学等等。目前已有很多配有中文字幕的官方课程,上传到了国内视频网站上。2. 耶鲁大学 网址:http://oyc.yale.e...
1. 哈佛大学 网址:http://online-learning.harvard.edu/ 进入官方网站页面,可以看到所有课程介绍:既有免费课程,又有付费课程,内容涵盖十分广泛。包括法律、世界卫生、商业、教育、领导力培养、计算机科学等等。目前已有很多配有中文字幕的官方课程,上传到了国内视频网站上。 2. 耶鲁大学 网址:http://oyc.yale.edu/...
like Harvard, that are holding courses online this fall. Their choices are either to transfer to another institution that provides in-person or hybrid (both in-person and online) instruction—or to depart the country
32 of the best MIT courses you can take online for free Here's your chance to become a student of MIT without spending anything. 09/06/2024 By Joseph Green 57 of the best Harvard University courses you can take online for free Take your pick from this standout selection of free on...
01.哈佛大学 Harvard University 哈佛大学的夏校分为两种:体验类夏校和带学分夏校。每个暑假只能选择一种夏校,建议同学们根据自身需求申请。 ① Pre-College Program 为体验类夏校,为期两周,无大学学分。学生将参加由哈佛大学老师教授的课程,一起和同龄人参加课外社交活动,重在哈佛大学初体验。
UW Expands Online Courses, This Time from Harvard, MITLong, Katherine
On Monday, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced that international students will not be allowed to stay in the country if they attend institutions, like Harvard, that are holding courses online this fall....
哈佛大学Harvard University 哈佛大学的夏校分为两种:体验类夏校和带学分夏校。每个暑假只能选择一种夏校,建议同学们根据自身需求申请。 ①Pre-College Program 为体验类夏校,为期两周,无大学学分。学生将参加由哈佛大学老师教授的课程,一起和同龄人参加课外社交活动,重在哈佛大学初体验。
Harvard has joined with MIT to deliver courses over the Internet, for free, to anyone in the world. The new joint venture, called edx, builds upon MIT’s existing online learning platform, MITx, which already runs a handful of courses, including Circuits
And then I remembered that Universities like MIT, Stanford and Harvard, had a habit of putting up classes online for free. I’ve done a few of these before and then a thought occurred to me. If you could learn a class, why not an entire degree. ...