前言 早年MIT 有三门用 bsv 作为硬件描述语言的体系结构课程,代号分别为 6.004,6.175 和 6.375. 根据 MIT CS course list,现在这三门课分别改名为了 6.1910、6.1920 和 6.5900. 本文是自学这三门课所需的 bsv 时记录的笔记,内容主要来源于这三门课目前公开的资料(6.175 16fall, 6.375 19fall)。 环境配置 在...
[notes]mit course - CS 科科 MLAt MIT, Course 6 refers to the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Course 6 6.790 Machine Learning (G) https://gradml.mit.edu/gradml.mit.edu/ 6.8301 Computer Vision (G) 6.S898 Deep Learning (G) 6.S978 Deep Generative...
[CS131] Lecture 1 Course Introduction 根据Stanford CS131 课程写的笔记(大部分为 note 翻译),英语水平一般,如有错误请评论指正 Lecture 1 Course Introduction 什么是计算机视觉? 定义 从数字图像中提取信息。这些信息可以随着定义不同而改变,可以是空间测量、现实增强等等 构造一个可以理解图片意思并能应用的算法...
课程链接:https://pll.harvard.edu/course/cs50s-introduction-artificial-intelligence-python数据科学-机器学习Data Science: Machine Learning课程聚焦于机器学习的基础知识,包括交叉验证、正则化等技术,通过构建电影推荐系统,让学生掌握训练数据和预测算法的构建方法,了解如何避免过拟合,适合对数据科学和机器学习感兴...
Course Website: The Missing Semester of Your CS Educationmissing.csail.mit.edu/ A. Lecture Notes: Shell Tools and Scripting Shell Scripting shell里的变量 注意单引号和双引号的区别 2. shell里的函数 $1在这里是一个特殊符号,代表第一个argument/参数,其他一些常用的符号及意义: ...
…gPig#610) * update the MIT 6.092: Introduction To Programming In Java course for Java programming in Programming Language section. * update related information on docs/CS学习规划.en.md and docs/CS学习规划.md * fixes are made based on suggestions ...
CMU的CS是美国第一,所以课程侧重于编程和金融实践,而且要求申请者拥有数学、CS、工程或经济相关背景,学过微积分等课程,熟悉C语言和C++,如果有相关的工作经验也会优先考虑。 CMU设立MSCF专业已经有二十多年,历史悠久名气很大,所以非常受...
–A comprehensive course that focuses on teaching you to construct a robot from scratch and move in 6 different directions with access to resource codes for all six directions. –Specially designed for students who have an interest in robotics & Arduino and from electronics, CS, Electrical, & ...
computer-science education cs college self-learning mit-opencourseware self-education sololearn self-supervised-learning mit-ocw mit-open-learning-library hackthebox-academy liberlandhacker Updated Oct 12, 2024 Python tallamjr / mit-6006 Sponsor Star 4 Code Issues Pull requests MIT's Introduction...
计算机教育中缺失的一课(The Missing Semester of Your CS Education, 2020) 这样好__ MIT《计算机教育中缺失的一课2020+2019|The Missing Semester of Your CS Education/Hacker tools》 GPT中英字幕课程资源 刘黑黑a 1:10:58 LCPU Getting Started 第一讲-前言、搜索、提问与大模型的使用(PKU版Missing Semeste...