computer science and engineering 1.基本要求 包含社科和工科两部分。 science requirement 6门课 HASS(人文艺术和社会科学) 8门课 REST(科学与技术的选修课) 2门课 实验课 1门课 共计17门 2.体育要求 游泳必须 3.选课计划 (1)departmental requirements departmental requirementsUnits 6.0001Introduction to Comput...
麦马对于其他专业、其他省份的高中生、以及105通道的学生录取要求可以参考学校网站: Part 3 语言要求及豁免条件Language 满足以下条件的申请者,可以申请豁免语言成绩,但是注意,麦马的语言豁免不...
However, as long as you do meet these requirements, you will not be actively prevented from matriculating at MIT.Since tens of thousands of students meet those standards, the unstated requirements separate the 1,291 students who are accepted to a given class from the more than 10,000 who ...
15-213: Introduction to Computer Systems 15-251: Great Theoretical Ideas in Computer Science 15-45...
This article will outline the key requirements and considerations for prospective students aspiring to apply to MIT. 1. Academic Excellence The first and foremost requirement for MIT applicants is a strong academic background. MIT seeks students who have excelled in a rigorous, challenging curriculum...
注意:微积分、线代、物理课都是必修课,但不在这里列出。链接:Degree Requirements for 6-1, 6-2,...
首先是基础的部分GIR(General Institute Requirements)一共17门课: -1.Science Requirement{6门} Chemistry (3.091, 5.111, or 5.112) 化学的要求是三选一,核心知识部分是一样的,只是3.091后期偏向于固体化学一些。 Physics (8.01, 8.011, 8.012, or 8.01L; and 8.02, 8.021, or 8.022) ...
MIT Postdoc - Economics & Computer Science/A.I. Employment: Dr. Neil Thompson seeks to hire a Postdoctoral or visiting scholar Associate to work on the following topics: (i) Understanding the key innovation trends in computing and artificial intelligence ...
那这是什么 MIT:Fall 2014 Course 6: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science CMU:School of ...
Computer Security; Data and Network Science; Wireless Systems。 不过,搞定Concentration不是毕业要求,不用刻意去选择。事实上,每一个concertration会对应一些课程,你的选课达到了concentration的要求,就会给你发一个certificate证明一下。 就读体验 这些课程肯定都是英语授课,交流方面要多开口交流才是真谛,托福什么的并...