6.01 接下来,MIT EECS的另一特色就立刻展现出来的,第一门就是 Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I 。以专业名+介绍作为学生的第一门课程,国内这样类似的课程通常称为专业导论,大多泛泛而谈,介绍了本专业领域,却又限于课时,没法深入。所以这么课程自然也有着Introduction to Electrical Engin...
课程地址:Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I (Spring 2011) 电子工程和计算机科学的导论课。 6.001/6.821 计算机程序的构造和解释 ★★★ 课程地址:Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs、6.821 Programming Languages (Fall 2002) SICP这门课以前在很长一段时间都是MIT入门的第...
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Lecture 1 Focus on concepts and tools of computational thinking. Learn how to think like a computer scientist. Skills: computational thinking understand code understand ability & limits map it into computation 课程核心内容是计算思维的概念和工具,学习如何像...
It's going to change how it does the computation. That would be cool and that exists. It's called an interpreter. It is the basic heart of every computer. What it is doing, is saying, change the game. This is now an example of a stored-program computer. 假设一种电路可以接收任意其他...
计算机Computer Science 麦马的计算机专业属于工程院,但本专业的准入条件比工程院系普遍要更高。入学后,CS的学生将会接触到编程、软件开发、计算机理论、数学等方面的学科知识,还需要选修。麦马的计算机专业强调实验和探索,力求创新精神。结合C...
如果你是刚接触编程的小白,或者没有任何基础的计算机专业学生,up建议你的学习路径: 1.【41集全·中文语音】计算机初学者必看的——计算机科学速成课【Crash Course Computer Science】BV1ZQ4y1W7rF 2.【中文精翻|英文原声】[CS50x 2023]Lecture 0 - Scratch-哈佛大学·计算机导论课程 BV17c411f78k 3.【中文精...
Cognitive Science也出版很多意义重大的AI论文。 Machine Learning是机器学习领域最重要的资源。 IEEE PAMI(Pattern Analysis andMachine Intelligence)是最好的有关视觉的期刊,每期都有两三篇有价值的论文。 International Journal of Computer Vision(IJCV)是最新创办的,到目前为止还是有价值的。
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs has had a dramatic impact on computer science curricula over the past decade. This long-awaited revision contains changes throughout the text. (MIT Press)AbelsonHarold / SussmanGerald Jay / Sussman...
也就是 What will happen 和 Why will it happen. 这部分代表了 computer science 的核心知识,涉及...
So what mattered most to me, was being able to understand the big ideas of computer science; things like algorithms, artificial intelligence, encryption, and the Internet and being able to implement those ideas in computer programs. 所以,对我来说最重要的,一个是理解计算机科学里的主要概念,比如算...