CAMBRIDGE - MIT says its incoming first-year class is less diverse because of the Supreme Court's ruling in 2023 toreject affirmative action.The university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, shared demographicdatashowing that about 16% of the Class of 2028 identify as Black, Hispanic, and/or Native A...
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The staff at the student newspaper never answered my e-mail or showed up and the New York Times called my house at the last minute to say that they had to pull their journalists off to cover the breaking "asteroid is going to destroy Earth in 2028" story. But word of the event leaked...
Incoming students this fall are the first to be affected by the 6-3 decision that said race-based college admissions programs at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina violate the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The ruling brought an end to affirmative action ...