If there is significant information that you were not able to include elsewhere in the application, you may include it here. (Many students will leave this section blank—and that’s okay.) (300 words) Prompt 7: If you have additional information about your family that you think is ...
Creative engineering and application development are essential tools for improving life around the world! From tackling issues like water quality to creating a …
Our Boston-area STEM programs strike the perfect balance between skill development and summer fun, allowing kids and teens to experience a week at one of the top universities in the country. Your child will work alongside new friends and learn from expert tech mentors, while taking breaks in ...
$filter= displayname eq 'MyConnector1' Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer ey… Einen bestimmten Connector abrufenUm einen bestimmten Connector abzurufen, fügen Sie dessen Dataverse-ID in der URL hinzu. Die Dataverse-ID ist eine GUID. Sie unterscheidet sich von der Haupt-ID, die...
Another fun application of Markov matrices is to analyze simple games, as reviewed in my notebook on Analyzing Chutes & Ladders. Lecture 25 (Nov 7) handwritten notes and lecture video (see links above). pset 9 solutions pset 10: short pset due Friday Nov 18 Covered diagonalization of a ...
32 @parkghost/TOTP-authentication-demo This is a simple web application which implement Two-Factor authentication by TOTP and Google Authenticator ↗️ 30 @weitsai/iHelp-android 不必透過聲音就能夠報案的 App,主要對象為使用手機對話不方便者為主。 25 @leolin310148/GradleAndroidAspectJPlugin Gradle plug...
The Reality Editor is a simple idea, but one that is extraordinarily interesting. Objects all around you are marked with a design that can be easily read by a smartphone running a computer vision application. In augmented reality, these objects have buttons and dials that can be used to turn...
3+ Schnapsen the exciting trick card game with only 20 playing cards and simple rules. Quick to learn with a long game of fun. Challenge Karl, the best virtual player who acts humanly and with 10 skill levels of playing strenght is the ideal opponent for beginners to experts. In order ...
Kondensation abgeleitete Silanolen, oligomeren Siloxanen oder Mischungen dieser in hydraulisch härtbaren Zusammensetzungen zur Herstellung von Beton, Mörtel, Estrich, Putz oder Bauteilen daraus, wie Rohre, Kunststeine, Formsteine mit einem Luftporengehalt von 1 bis 7% bestimmt nach SIA ...
we had to cancel our scheduled workshops for 2020 and 2021, but are optimistically planning to run one for June 2022 (with required vaccinations, of course). If you are interested in coming to Vermont for “videocamp” to learn to make video essays,the application deadline is February 1....