urine drug testsopioid analgesicschronic painJournal of General Internal Medicine - Urine drug testing (UDT) is a recommended risk mitigation strategy for patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain, but evidence that UDT supports...Larochelle, Marc R....
Widespread substance abuse has led to increasing use of urine drug testing in many clinical services. The last two decades have seen a significant rise inprescription drug misuse(especially opioids and benzodiazepines), leading to dramatic increases indrug overdosesand deaths. For some patients, misus...
The oral bioavailability of remimazolam is negligible, which—together with its distinct bitter taste—suggests no meaningful potential for misuse in drug-facilitated sexual assaults via oral ingestion, with or without alcohol. Clinical Trial Registration Numbers Trial 1 (NCT04113564) and trial 2 (NCT...
Main Outcomes and Measures Primary outcomes were (1) opioid misuse assessed by the Drug Misuse Index (self-report, interview, and urine screen) and (2) pain severity and pain-related functional interference, assessed by subscale scores on the Brief Pain Inventory through 9 months of follow-up....
of prescription drugs was a significant predictor of lifetime development of prescription drug abuse or dependence.15 In addition to mortality and morbidity, there is a large monetary burden to society of nonmedical use of prescription drugs through loss of workplace productivity, health care, ...
Whether urine testing contributes to the prevention of drug misuse within the hospital is unclear, and there are potential ethical and legal concerns about the urine testing process. It is important that high security hospitals are virtually drug free, to enable the uncontaminated assessment and ...
Systematic review: Treatment agreements and urine drug testing to reduce opioid misuse in patients with chronic pain. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2010 Jun 1;152(11):712-720.Starrels JL, Becker WC, Alford DP, Kapoor A, Williams AR, Turner BJ. Systematic review: treatment agreements and urine...
Systematic review: treatment agreements and urine drug testing to reduce opioid misuse in patients with chronic pain. Ann Intern Med. 2010;152:712-20. [PMID: 20513829] doi:10.7326/0003-4819 -152-11-201006010-00004Starrels JL, Becker WC, Alford DP, et al. Systematic review: Treatment ...
PURPOSE: To synthesize studies of the association of treatment agreements and urine drug testing with opioid misuse outcomes in outpatients with chronic noncancer pain. DATA SOURCES: MEDLINE, PsycINFO, EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Clinical Trials (January 1966 to June 2009), ...
urineplasmaresponsesdoi:10.1002/dta.1982Emmie N.M. HoRacing Laboratory The Hong Kong Jockey Club Sha Tin Racecourse, Sha Tin, N.T. Hong Kong ChinaPeter CurlDepartment of Veterinary Regulation & International Liaison The Hong Kong Jockey Club Sha Tin Racecourse, Sha Tin, N.T. Hong Kong China...