Jewelcrafting:You get a 440 ring with a socket. This isn’t quite as special as it was in 8.1.5 since all crafted pieces get the same thing. 8.2 Trinkets TheQE Trinkets page has been updated for 8.2but we’ll cover some 8.2 specifics below. Raid Trinkets(Likely to be tuned) Azshara...
Mistweaver Monk PvP Stat Priority, Gear, and Trinkets Mistweaver Monk PvP Arena Compositions Mistweaver Monk PvP Races and Racials Mistweaver Monk PvP Talents and Builds Mistweaver Monk PvE Guides Mistweaver Monk Builds and Talents Mistweaver Monk Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities Mistweaver Monk...