MiSTerFPGA Discord : https://discord.gg/ERNaeVRg QMTech Full Build For Sale QMTech is now selling a full MiSTer kit based on their components. This kit includes: -The QMTech FPGA board with 128MB Built-in SDRAM; -QMTech IO board. -QMTech Mister case. This case is made of PCB. -A...
MiSTer FPGA Pre-configured Bundle (with Aluminum Armor) Jan Lavoie Saturn (Mini-DIN-10) Premium Universal Video Cable Jan Lavoie Must have accessory for your MiSTer! The SNAX64 adapter solves pretty much every issue I had with the whole SNAC-system. First off, the adapter can sit nicely ...
MiSTer is an ongoing hobbyist project to implement accurate FPGA emulation for multiple old systems (at the moment, up to 16-bit consoles and computers, with NeoGeo on the way) with native HDMI output for modern TVs. The project has a dedicated wiki here: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel...
MiSTer FPGA YC Active Encoder Board Discontinued The functionality of YC Active has been integrated into IO Analog Pro and IO Direct! Grab a short VGA cable (with pin 9 connected for 5V power) here Outputs S-video (Y/C) and composite video simultaneously Active Luma trap for cleanest compo...
Retro Frog released the 3D files freely available for their MiSTer FPGA keyboard case. It does requires a larger 3D printer as the larger parts are 306mm wide. Post : https://twitter.com/ToddsNerdCave/status/1761060399762362544 MiSTer MultiSystem Stock Full setups of the MiSTer Multisys...
GameCube formats (check outhttps://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/gamecube/533008-soulcalibur-ii/savesfor a potential list) Contact If you have questions, need help, or have comments or suggestions, please hop on Discord:https://discord.gg/wtJ7xUKKTR ...
Allows FPGA cores to use memory that's better suited for reimplementations. Highly recommended, but even without the additional SDRAM module, many cores will still function when using the 1GB of DDR3 ram that comes on the De-10 Nano board itself. SDRAM modules generally come in two sizes; ...
List of available cores:https://openfpga-cores-inventory.github.io/analogue-pocket/ Note that there are sometimes multiple cores for a particular platform (e.g. Genesis) Explanation of its format:https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Game_Boy_Advance_emulators#Save_formats ...