美国最大的洗车品牌Mister Car Wash(简称:“Mister”,股票代码为:“MCW”)今日在美国纽交所上市。Mister Car Wash此次发行价为15美元,此次发行3750万股,募资总额为5.625亿美元。其中,Mister公司出售3125万股,获得4.69亿美元;现有股东出售625万股,可获得9375万美元。Mister Car Wash开盘价为18.9美元,...
I was a member before “Mister Car Wash” took over and decided to keep my membership and give them a try and I am glad I did. There was an incident where my card was charged twice and I went inside to speak to someone about it and Brittney assisted me and was very helpful, kind...
Mister Car Wash, Inc.(MCW.US)获Stifel首次覆盖,给予持有评级, 目标价20.00美元。Mister Car Wash(MCW.US)公司简介:Mister Cash,Inc.提供外部和内部汽车清洁服务。它提供月度订阅计划,这是无限洗,包括无限制洗车,按月收费,福利包括使用RFID技术的专用会员专用道。该公司成立于1996年,总部设在亚利桑那州图...
EVgo currently has a consensus price target of $11.06, suggesting a potential upside of 69.69%. Mister Car Wash has a consensus price target of $11.38, suggesting a potential upside of 41.66%. Given EVgo's stronger consensus rating and higher probable upside, equities analysts clearly ...
Mister Car Wash 26reviews 1981 W Lacey Blvd Hanford, CA 93230 +1 (559) 589-9339 https://mistercarwash.com 26reviews
富国银行:维持Mister Car Wash(MCW.US)评级,由增持调整至增持评级, 目标价由10.00美元调整至9.00美元。 Mister Car Wash(MCW.US)公司简介:Mister Car Wash Inc是一家提供快速外部和内部清洁服务的洗车品牌。Express Exterior Locations提供快速外部清洁服务,Interior Cleaning Locations提供快速外部和内部清洁服务。公司以...
“Mister体验”的核心支柱是提供最优质的洗车服务,确保体验快速便捷。公司网站: http://www.mistercarwash.com公司地址:222 E 5th Street Tucson Arizona 85705公司电话:1-520-6154000 今开:7.94 昨收:7.91 最高:7.995 最低:7.665 涨停价: 跌停价: 总市值:2579469323...
Mister does a decent job of cleaning. Not the best. Not the worst. It's usually quite quick through the wash even when it's busy. I do think the Mister location in Hwy 27 near Walmart does a... All and all...it's a self service car wash but heaven forbid you sign up for th...
Mister Car Wash敲定前法律顾问的离职条款 Mister Car Wash, Inc. (NASDAQ:MCW)是一家领先的汽车服务提供商,市值为25.6亿美元,过去一周表现强劲,回报率达11.19%。该公司最近与前任总法律顾问Markus Hartmann达成了过渡和离职协议。 根据InvestingPro的分析,该公司目前的市盈率为35倍,表明市场估值较高。该协议自2025...
Mister Car Wash Executives CEO:Johnny Lai CFO:Jed Gold COO:Stephen Bean Mister Car Wash opened its first location in 1969 in Houston, Texas. The company has grown substantially over the years via acquisitions In 1998, Mister Car Wash of Houston was acquired by Car Wash Partners, adding 11 ...