10 Classic Resume-Writing Mistakes to AvoidMichelle Dumas
Hiring managers use the résumé process to weed out applicants, to decide whom to invite to the time-consuming interview. Of course, no résumé will be flawless, but you should always try to avoid the common résumé mistakes that will land your résumé in the “don’t call” stack. Kno...
Here is a list of the most common mistakes in resumes to avoid. They will come in handy both for young specialists and those who have enough working experience: Mistake #1: Your Resume is Too Long or Too Short A CV normally should not be longer than one 1.5 spaced page. ...
Mistakes to avoid in the resumes Don't download a resume from the internet or blindly copy anyone's look. You will be restricted by someone else's arrangement and not have a place or sufficient place to put in special items. Design your own resume and it should be neat, readable, not ...
6 Top Resume Mistakes To Avoid 1. Embarrassing typos For starters, you only get one first impression with potential employers, and a resume typo can quickly ruin it. A few of the most embarrassing typos I’ve come across include: “Pubic relations manager” instead of “public relationships ...
A well-written resume can help you stand out and increase your chances of acceptance. Here are nine MBA resume missteps to avoid.
Just as you would (hopefully) take the greatest care to avoid typos, grammatical mistakes and spelling errors in your cover letter and resume, so too should you thoroughly proofread your thank-you email to ensure it is flawless. If spelling isn't your strong suit, then ask a friend or ...
12 Body Language Mistakes to Avoid During Interviews 1. Slumping Don’t give the impression that you’d like to curl up into a ball and be anywhere else! Instead, sit as if there’s a string tied from the top of your head to the ceiling. Similarly, watch your posture when standing....
Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid Not showing up for your interview Showing up late Having a negative attitude Dressing too casually for an interview Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid Overly concerned with wages, paid vacations, sick days, and benefits Complaining about ...
A resume should highlight your impressive accomplishments--not reference that you raise German Shepherds. Tom Merritt offers more recommendations about what not to include in your resume.