Today, the wire mesh mist eliminator is widely used in thermal desalination plants. The main features of wire mesh mist eliminators are low pressure drop, high separation efficiency, reasonable capital cost, minimum tendency for flooding, high capacity, and small size. The performance of wire mesh...
This mist eliminator is designed to capture and clean mist and smoke from metalworking applications in industry. The MistBuster® Infinity three-stage air cleaning system provides up to 95% MERV 14 filter collection efficiency and is ideal for cast iron machining applications. An optional third-...
PURPOSE: To provide a mist eliminator with the rebounding of droplets reduced and the separation performance greatly improved by increasing the re-entraining speed. CONSTITUTION: This mist eliminator comprises wave-shaped profiles (dotted line) consisting of an inlet part forming a small amplitude as2...
Figure 4. Final computational mesh of geometry B_10_0: (a) view on a fragment of mist eliminator; (b) detailed view on drainage channel. In the first stage, simulation of B_10_0 geometry was conducted, and obtained results were compared with accurate experimental data with a maximum unc...