Missouri’s economy as measured by gross domestic product by state (GSP) grew to $295.73 billion in 2021, for an increase of 4.6 percent from 2020-2021. The state ranked 22nd among all states.[15] The state’s diverse economy, which includes industries, such as manufacturing and agriculture...
1.(Placename) a state of the central US: consists of rolling prairies in the north, the Ozark Mountains in the south, and part of the Mississippi flood plain in the southeast, with the Mississippi forming the E border; chief US producer of lead and barytes. Capital: Jefferson City. Pop...
State Facts (History Firsts) State Motto Origin of State Name Counties State Symbols History Timelines History Timelines History of the States The 50 US States Missouri Symbols Missouri Symbols American Folk Dance, Amphibian, Animal, Aquatic Animal, Arboreal Emblem (Tree), Bird, Day, Dessert, Dino...
Tree – Flowering Dogwood Insect – Honeybee The term Missouri came from the Sioux Indian word ‘missouris’, which means “wooden canoe people” or “he of the big canoe.” Missouri is known as the “Show Me State.” It was coined in 1889 when Congressman Willard Duncan Vandiver stated ...
After putting the wheel together, the student follows the instructions on the front wheel (coloring in the state on a US map and drawing a small map of the state) and fills out the 12 sections of the wheel with information about one state. When you spin the wheel, facts about the US ...
Missouri gets its name from a tribe of Sioux Indians of the state called the Missouris. The word "Missouri" often has been construed to mean "muddy water" but the Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology has stated it means "town of the large canoes," and authorities have said ...
Other nicknames for Missouri include "The Lead State", "The Bullion State", "The Ozark State", "The Mother of the West", "The Iron Mountain State", and "Pennsylvania of the West".[19] It is also known as the "Cave State" because there are more than 6000 recorded caves in the ...
The state bird of Missouri is the bluebird. The White Hawthorn is the state flower and the Flowering Dogwood is the state tree. Missouri gets its name from a tribe of Sioux Indians of the state called the Missouris. The word " Missouri" often has been construed to mean "muddy water," ...
Tree:Flowering Dogwood Flower:White Hawthorn Blossom Bird:Bluebird Interesting Facts When the Missouri Territory first applied for statehood, a debate ensued over the government’s right to restrict slavery. The Missouri Compromise granted Maine entrance into the Union as a free state while allowing ...
canoes." Originally home to a number of Indian tribes, the state entered the Union in 1821. Today, more than half the population lives in Missouri's two major cities--Kansas City and St. Louis. The dogwood is the state tree, the bluebird is the state bird and the capital is Jefferson...