Missouri State Penitentiary,号称西密苏里最古老的监狱。1835年建造,2004年弃用。弃用原因是条件太差,设备陈旧,与其改造,不如重建成本更低。 上图为监狱正门,远看像个城堡,没进去之前在想,犯人怎么生活这么好! 监狱有几个著名之处:曾经关押过超过五千多犯人,一度是美国最大的监狱;曾经被媒体称为美国土地上最血腥...
The Missouri State Penitentiary: 170 Years Inside the WallsBush, Erin N
of correctional facilities over the years. We had a lot of kids, teens, and adults in our group and everyone enjoyed the tour. So much history, so many stories, so many lives gone in and out of the Penitentiary over many eras. I can't wait to go again for the longer history tour!
If you are an empath or are sensitive to places where terrible things happened, please be prepared for the heaviness that is the Missouri state penitentiary. The weight is heavy and, even in 90 degrees, there were cold spots. There were several times I felt very weary...
Have you explored any of these places? Did you have any odd experiences? Tell your stories in the comments and share the article with your paranormal-loving friends! 1.^Missouri State Penitentiary 2.^Rivercene Mansion 3.^The Elms Hotel & Spa ...
One of the biggest and best venues in town is the brilliant Sight & Sound Theatres that brings action-packed, yet heartfelt, Biblical stories to life in an utterly entertaining and unforgettable way.At the state-of-the-art theater, guests can enjoy an amazing immersive experience as a huge ...
MISSOURI STATE PENITENTIARY, JEFFERSON CITY Opened in 1836 and decommissioned in 2004, theMissouri State Penitentiary, located near downtown Jefferson City, has seen its fair share of famous inmates, some of whom are rumored to still wander the historic structure as ghosts. The penitentiary offers ...
Weekender: Inside the Missouri State PenitentiarySylvia Anderson
Missouri State Penitentiary Museum 2.1 直线距离231m Campus Coworking Space 1.2 直线距离345m 查看全部 Walgreens 超市&便利店 直线距离2.9km Southwest Eagle Stop 超市&便利店 直线距离3.8km Schaefer House 特产店 直线距离1.6km 查看全部 杰斐逊城 Jefferson City 景点所属目的地 热门推荐...
Warm Springs Ranch天气-3℃/8℃ Missouri State Penitentiary天气-4℃/8℃ Rock Bridge Memorial State Park天气-4℃/8℃ Cosmo Park天气-3℃/8℃ Regal Columbia天气-3℃/8℃ GQT Forum 8天气-3℃/8℃ Missouri State Fair天气-3℃/8℃ The Blue Note天气-3℃/8℃ Stark Caverns天气-3℃/8℃ ...