and more details about "Every Day a New Heartbreak Wanders in the Front Door of the Central Missouri Humane Society, and Jan. 4 Was No Different. in Walked a Dog Owner Dropping off a 6-Month-Old Black Chihuahua" by Nelson, Annie - Columbia Daily Tribune (Columbia, MO), January 19, ...
and more details about "Every Day a New Heartbreak Wanders in the Front Door of the Central Missouri Humane Society, and Jan. 4 Was No Different. in Walked a Dog Owner Dropping off a 6-Month-Old Black Chihuahua" by Nelson, Annie - Columbia Daily Tribune (Columbia, MO), January 19, ...
August 2, 2011. It was five years ago TODAY that I adopted Abby (lil’ Zoey’s sister) from the Sebastian County Humane Society. It was one of the most momentous days in my life. For the small price of $80 I found my best friend. When I first saw Abby, she was a large, matted...
MO Association of Trial Attorneys Political Action Committee (MATA-PAC) $51.77 $0.00 $0.00 $21.00 $171.00 $0.00 Healthcare For Missouri $40.00 $0.00 $2,495.50 $1,495.00 $1,495.00 $1,435.00 Columbia Professional Firefighters Political Action Committee $6,351.15 $1,470.00 $11,012.48 $0.00 $3...