Missouri Policies Block Access to Food Stamps, Medicaid, More, Critics Say; Staff Cuts Leave Applicants to Struggle Alone; Denial of Required Interviews May Doom Many ApplicationsOVERLAND * The reorganization of a state office and staffdownsizing have created drastic...Cambria, Nancy...
Missouri No. 1 at Delivering Food StampsThe article reports that Missouri has topped the national average on food stamp deliveries, as reported by the National Priorities Project. A study by the organization found...
Missouri Considers Banning Purchase of Soda, Chips with Food StampsMissouri state legislators want to tighten the rules for how foodstamps can be spent in that...Rosiak, Luke
Ryan Burnside
Missouri Is Planning Change in Distribution of Food StampsFred W. Lindecke Missouri Political Correspondent
Missouri Goes to Bat to Save Food Stamps for about 6,000Kim Bell Post-Dispatch Jefferson City Bureau
Missouri Legislature Passes Bill Lifting Lifetime Ban from Food Stamps for Drug FelonsJEFFERSON CITY * An 18-year-old ban that keeps anyone with a drug-related felony conviction from...Marie French
Missouri's continuation of the lifetime ban on food stamps forpeople with records of drug...Board, the
FOUL: Missouri Reaches No. 1 in Kicking People off Food StampsFOUL: Back in March, without anybody noticing it, Missourireached a significant milestone in its...Horrigan, Kevin