As residents and visitors alike navigate the evolving landscape of cannabis laws, one question frequently pops up: “Can you smoke weed in public in Missouri?” This article […] Discover Cannabis Cultivation 02/14/2024Doris Price Missouri’s Green Thumbs Up: Growing Plants in the Show-Me...
At the alcohol and tobacco control post, Leara recently headed up efforts by Gov. Mike Parson to crack down on the sale ofunregulated psychoactive cannabisproducts at establishments with liquor licenses. Those rules are the subject of a lawsuit filed last month by the Missouri Hemp Trade Associati...
A Judge Says Missouri's GOP Governor Has the Power to Replace a Democratic County's Prosecutor Missouri Gov. Mike Parson announces an executive order banning unregulated psychoactive cannabis products Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024, at his Capitol office in Jefferson Ci...
Cannabis is finally easy to access and its benefits can be taken advantage of. It was about time the circumstances change for the better of this country. I am proud of these changes. Thank you Missouri! 2 Reply Alan Bell Thank you for the relevant article on medical marijuana in Missouri....
Eric McSwain, the spokesman for Fair Access and chair of the Missouri Cannabis Industry Association, told the Post-Dispatch that under the current medical cannabis system, prices are too high and that his organization is pushing for an “open market” approach to broad legalization. “We’re...
Certain statements contained in this press release constitute “forward-looking statements'' within the meaning of federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to trends in the cannabis industry, including proposed changes in U.S and...
By Matthew McFarland on August 16, 2022 "It's what the people want!" Paula Prentice, a volunteer with Legal Missouri 2022 and a board member for NORML KC, a non-profit cannabis reform group, said. "People were happy, happy to sign, happy to get medical options." ...
In 2014, a Republican-led legislature and Democratic governor Jay Nixon enacted a series of laws to partially decriminalize possession of cannabis by making first-time possession of up to 10 grams no longer punishable with jail time and legalizing CBD oil. In November 2018, 66% of voters appr...
LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born? Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significa...
Cannabis USDA is giving some farmers an ultimatum: Grow hemp or marijuana Elections Embrace the Andy Beshear Moment. It Won’t Last. Legal The Supreme Court keeps a Missouri law on hold that bars police from enforcing federal gun laws