Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - On July 28, 2023,Missoula Police Departmentofficers were dispatched to a report of a hit-and-run crash in the 3400 block of Tina Avenue. A complainant reported that his vehicle had been struck by a blue Chrysler sedan. An officer responded to the area and...
1966: National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act The leading cause of death for Americans under the age of 44 in 1965 was automobile accidents. President Lyndon B. Johnson decided enough was enough and on Sept. 9 of the following year signed into law the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle...
John Suh, head of New Horizons Studio and vice president for Hyundai Motor Group, said the vehicles being researched could be used for everything from managing rangelands to exploring extra-terrestrial terrain. “The mission of New Horizon Studio is to develop a new type of vehicle for future ...