(2007). An examination of alterations to Mississippian period native copper artifacts from the collection of the National Museum of the American Indian. ANAGPIC 2007. Available from World Wide Web: https://pacer.ischool.utexas.edu/dspace/bitstream/...
Previous excavations at Mississippian sites in the Nashville Basin have been largely undertaken to obtain artifacts associated with human burials. Investigations at the Averbuch site (40DV60) have afforded a rare opportunity to recover not only exhibit quality artifacts associated with burials but more ...
Children less than 8 years old were interred with a number of artifacts that were only infrequently found with older individuals. This may indicate that a new social status was conferred upon children at about this age. Many adult women were interred with lithic items placed at the hand. ...
Holliston Mills' more egalitarian socio‐political structure, which was unusual for the late Mississippian. It may also reflect Burial 86's agency, the presence of adequate resources at the site, as indicated by high frequencies of high status mortuary artifacts, or a combination of thes...
Holliston Mill's more egalitarian sociopolitical structure, which was unusual for the late Mississippian. It may also reflect Burial 86's agency, the presence of adequate resources at the site, as indicated by high frequencies of high status mortuary artifacts, or a combination of these factors....
Similar artifacts have been found in earlier contexts and are not unique to the Late period Mississippian. Antler tip points are also characteristic of the Late period. Although they did occur in earlier contexts, they were more common during the late period. Several instances of unfinished point...
Artifacts found at the site are those associated with Mississippian cultures, and a number of radiocarbon dates from the site indicate a Mississippian time period. The main part of the Aztalan site is about twenty-one acres in size, and this area was enclosed within a wooden stockade with ...
Located in the Northern Piedmont of Alabama, the Hillabee Metavolcanic Complex consists of a discontinuous belt of metabasites, metadacites, and mafic phyllites.; The Moundville site was a major, Mississippian period (A.D. 1000 to 1600), civic-ceremonial center used by Indians of the Black...
This chapter discusses the Mississippian consolidation period from A.D. 1000 to 1350. By about A.D. 1000–1050 independent Mississippian chiefdoms were distributed throughout the Central Mississippi Valley. Cahokia reached its peak of florescence from the terminal Fairmount phase through the Stirling ...
Examination of the cores and limited test excavation profiles, however, indicated that there are two distinctive anthropogenically enriched (based on phosphorus, soil organic matter, and carbonates) cultural fills as much as 85 cm thick containing Mississippian artifacts and other trash that overly ...