While the thesis essay explores the introduction and acceptance of the foods from the New World into Spanish and Italian cuisines, the thesis project describes the life ways of Mississippian Indians in Georgia before the arrival of the European Explorers.Murphy, Judith Elizabeth...
Today,Choctawis the traditional language of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. About 80 percent of the approximately ten thousand tribe members speak the language fluently. Where did the Spiro Mound Builders develop their culture? Home to rich cultural resources, the Spiro Mounds were created ...
Based on their architectural attributes and their analogy with the council houses of historic Indians (see Hudson 1976: 218–226), earthlodges in the Southeast have been interpreted as places where a council of community leaders came together to make decisions based on consensus (Anderson 1994: ...
Chunkey and the historic experience in the Mississippian worldThomas ZychChunkey and the Historic Experience in the Mississippian World. In Prehistoric Games of North American Indians: Subarctic to Mesoamerica, edited by Barbara Voorhies, pp.63-86. University of Utah Press. Salt Lake City...
About 1000 years ago, Mississippian Indians built what are now designated Mounds 69 and 70 at Cahokia near Collinsville, Illinois. Loamy soil materials were placed on the mounds by Mississippian Indians before A.D. 1100, and the site was inhabited until approximately A.D. 1300. The general ...
Prehistoric Woodland Indiansculture changeorigin of agriculture (New WorldMidwestern archaeologyWoodland traditionMississippian traditionCultural developments in Midwestern North America between 5000 and 400 B.P. are reviewed and related to two overlapping, but contrasting, cultural traditions: Woodland and ...
The Native Political Economy of the Arkansas River Valley KATHLEEN DUVAL McNeil Center for Early American Studies In 1680, a combined delegation of Quapaw and Osage Indians who lived north of the Arkansas River and Chickasaws from near present-day Memphis traveled up the Mississippi River to the ...
Swagerty, "Urban Indians before Columbus" (review essay), Journal of Urban History 26 (2000): 493-507.Lewis, R. B., Stout, C., & Wesson, C. B. (1998). The design of Mississippian towns. In R. B. Lewis & C. Stout (Eds.), Mississippian towns and sacred spaces: searching for ...
These endeavors, described in the previous two chapters, bring to mind formally similar material creations of other precontact Woodland Indians. Striking resemblances include some bird-persons rendered on copper and shell by Mississippian peoples across the Woodlands; the renowned "Beaded Burial" at ...
Robbie Ethridge and Charles Hudson (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2002), 3-20; Hudson, The Southeastern Indians.From Chicaza to Chickasaw: The European Invasion and the Transformation of the Mississippian World, 1540-1715. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press....