During fair-weather conditions in May 1993, however, the freshwater plumes spread onto a stratified water column, and combined wave–current shear stress only exceeded the threshold for suspending sediment in the inner-most part of the shelf. Highlights ► Modeled sediment accumulation is highly ...
(discharge conditions >20 to 86 % annual exceedance probability [AEP]), are most suitable for fine-grained deposition because of direct transfer of sediment-laden water from the river to batture, and large areas of the batture experiencing shear stress below the critical threshold for deposition...
The spread of invasive fish has contributed to the extirpation of many species of fish as well as a loss of biodiversity and ecosystem integrity across the globe [1,2,3]. When eradication is not possible, as is almost always the case [4,5], containment is the only option [2,3]. In...
Deltaic landscapes go through cycles of birth, growth, decline, and death governed by intertwined geological, biological, and ecological processes. In this study, we tracked deltaic lobes in the Balize Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana, USA, over 28 yea
Based on these criteria, we found that 4712 forest patches warranted conservation–protection, but only 109 of these forest patches met our desired conservation threshold of >2000 ha of core forest that was >250 m from an edge. Overall, 35% of the area of forest patches warranting ...
1. Introduction and Mini-Review The spread of invasive fish has contributed to the extirpation of many species of fish as well as a loss of biodiversity and ecosystem integrity across the globe [1–3]. When eradication is not possible, as is almost always the case [4,5], containment is ...
In the present study, BSRW is divided into 40 subbasins and 564 HRUs. The definition of HRUs was based on land use threshold, soil threshold, and slope threshold of 10% each. These threshold levels are determined by the project goal and the modeler’s desired level of detail; land use...
removal was limited below this temperature threshold). NO3− loading to upper Breton Sound was estimated for nine river-pulse events (January, February, and March in 2002, 2003, and 2004) and compared to NO3− removal estimated by the subtidal and intertidal habitats based on connectivity,...