Jobs Working while in school can help lessen the burden of your student loans. Schools offer work-study programs to those who qualify and campus jobs to students looking to earn money in their free time. Some institutions match students with work-study positions, while others require them apply...
Average cost after financial aid for students receiving grant or scholarship aid, as reported by the college. Find Private Student Loans Find College Scholarships Average Total Aid Awarded $14,252 / year National$7,535 Students Receiving Financial Aid 98% Explore Tuition & Cost Breakdown Scholarship...
Average cost after financial aid for students receiving grant or scholarship aid, as reported by the college. Find Private Student Loans Find College Scholarships Average Total Aid Awarded $13,720 / year National$7,535 Students Receiving Financial Aid 85% Explore Tuition & Cost Breakdown Scholarship...
Financial aid phone (662) 325-2450 Students receiving grants and/or scholarships Unlock these and 16 other Cost data points with U.S. News Education School Compass » Education School Student Population N/A Education School Program Enrollment N/A Education School Enrollment Minority Students N/A...
The University of Mississippi, founded in 1844, is a comprehensive, public institution. It is of a modest size but has comprehensive academic and student life offerings and is located in Oxford, a town widely acknowledged as one of the country's best college towns. The area is easygoing but...
Federal appeals court faults Mississippi colleges for basing student-aid awards on test scores.Reports that a US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled that Mississippi's five predominantly white public universities continue to limit the number of black students through their financial-aid ...
Scholarships are awarded based on your your financial need or academic achievements. They do not need to be repaid but you may have to reapply for them each year. Student loans Student loans are sums of money given to students to help them pay for college now. You must pay this money bac...
Black 21% Hispanic 3% Native American 1% Other 2% White 72% Academics Student faculty ratio 16:1 Calendar system Semester Special academic offering Study abroad Credit for AP exams Offers graduate degree Where does this data come from?
Mississippi Valley State University Undergraduate Student Diversity 1,231Full-Time Undergraduates 98.1%Racial-Ethnic Minorities* 58.9%Percent Women During the 2017-2018 academic year, there were1,694 undergraduates at Mississippi Valley State Universitywith 1,231 being full-time and 463 being part-time....
With a focus on individualized instruction and a range of specialized educational services, they strive to find what works best for each student. Additionally, they offer a 2,000 sq-ft sensory gym and provide links to other organizations and web-based services that can help individuals achieve ...