After passing the final exam, a Mississippi State University CEU certificate will be sent upon request. The number of CEUs offered is determined by the number of instructional hours in the course. 1 hour = 0.1 CEU, 8 hours = 0.8 CEUs, 12 hours = 1.2 CEUs, 24 hours = 2.4 CEUs, etc....
Bean catalog. On our Gulfport District, the maximum main line speed of freight trains had been reduced to ten miles an hour over crumbling lightweight 1930s rail affixed to ties that could be pulled apart in the hand. Three-man crews, with radios that rarely worked, risked their lives ...
The Louisiana State University Press is planning a new series of original books on the Civil War, which, to quote their news We announced in our Winter 1997 issue a new book on the 5th Kansas Cavalry by Alice Fry. The book, the diary of Captain William Creitz, will probably not be ...