Hays Crossing is open all year. Free Dispersed camping in the Corp of Engineers Mississippi Valley Division’s Vicksburg District. First come -> first camped. No reservations are accepted. The camping area is near Sardis Lake. This site is 5 1/2 miles from the main road. Walking distance a...
In Mr. Murray's book he provides a very nice map detailing the Y&MV network, which comprised the main and secondary lines across western Mississippi.Most of the IC's network throughout this region was thanks almost entirely to the Y&MV. ...
This essay recognizes the totality of practices by which Native peoples of the upper Mississippi River valley for centuries oriented themselves to place as an Indigenous map. After limning the map and its material and nonmaterial components, I then place it at the center of a comparative Indigeno...
and heavy downpours throughout the lower valley. Under such conditions the lower river will rise over its banks and put pressure against its man-made levees. Tributaries will back up and form lakes on the far side of these same levees. The current, which normally runs no more than 2 to ...
detail of the Mississippi River in Vincenzo Coronelli's map of North AmericaDetail of the Mississippi River in Vincenzo Coronelli's map of North America, as published in hisAtlante Veneto, 1690. The next European explorers of the river appeared in 1673 out of French Canada—two canoe loads ...
Lewis and Clark ExpeditionHeadwaters of the Missouri River, detail from Lewis and Clark Expedition map by William Clark and Meriwether Lewis, 1804–06.(more) On June 2, 1805, the expedition party arrived at a fork in the river. Not knowing which waterway was the principal stream, they sent...