Drawbridge Operation Regulations; Upper Mississippi River, Fort Madison, IA and Burlington, IARoger K. Wiebusch
Well aware that he was en- River on April 30. This collision on flooded ground resulted in tering a region poor in resources, Steele sought to conserve his one of the bloodiest battles, considering the numbers involved, to own provisions by putting his men on half rations. ever occur in...
He once owned land there and the mud of the river. With only their guidon as their symbol of gave a campaign speech in Burlington during his 1858 senate race loyalty and esprit de corps, Shelby's men entered Mexico on the against Stephen A. Douglas. When he was president Lincoln ap- ...
Drawbridge Operation Regulations; Upper Mississippi River, Ft. Madison, Burlington, and Dubuque, IA, and Rock Island Arsenal, ILSteve Venckus
service July 24,1861, our Colo- General Prentiss had been in command of the small army on the nel was a banker named Laumann at Burlington [Iowa]. We march from Pilot Knob, but at Jackson General Grant took com- went down the Mississippi on a small river boat with a barge on mand ...