Welcome to the Mississippi Regional Housing Authority IV website. We have been in the business of providing decent, safe and affordable housing to thousands of families in the counties of Carroll, Choctaw, Clay, Grenada Lowndes, Montgomery, Oktibbeha, Webster and Winston all in north Mississippi, ...
Mississippi Regional Housing Authority IV Resident Log In Log In Username Password Remember Username Trouble logging in? No account? Sign up. Create an account and you'll be able to: View your account balance. Pay online. Get Started
With a unifying mission, rooted in the river’s significance, Susan went on to establish the Trails and Open Space Partnership (TOSP) – a group of planners from cities, counties, regional parks, non-profit partners, and more. The TOSP, led by Susan, aimed to create a continuous trail ...
(By Nathan Duff) - Monday, a group of around 60 local citizens concerned about the future of Clarksdale and Coahoma County met at the offices of the Delta Regional Authority. They were there to hear details about the formation of a new venture that will bring millions of dollars in develop...
This disparity in wealth is a significant social problem at the local and regional level [9]. It is also a spatial problem for coastal communities with geographic mismatches between employment opportunities and available affordable housing that is also built to current code standards. While much ...
Findings from these studies should help inform decision makers and the general public about key tradeoffs involved in efforts to enhance regional resilience and provide scenarios to support better planning for climate change. The framework, which includes methods of data interpolation and system modeling...
In this research, we define SES as the spatial arrangement of interacting social and ecosystem characteristics in a spatially bound unit or regional area that modulate risk. The relation between environmental degradation and risk has been advanced within international conventions and frameworks such as ...