What epiphany did you experience while studying to become a surgeon that led you to choose facial plastic surgery? What methods did you employ to accomplish your goal of becoming a successful facial plastic surgeon? What setbacks or obstacles did you encounter while pursuing your goals?
Finalists:Adair Blackledge (Blackledge Face Center, 1659 Lelia Drive, 601-981-3033, blackledgefacecenter.com) / Emile Picarella (Mississippi Premier Plastic Surgery; 971 Lakeland Drive, Suite 315; 160 Fountains Blvd., Madison; 601-981-2525, mspremierplasticsurgery.com) / Jeptha Cole (Cole Facial...
Finalists: Animal Rescue Fund of Mississippi (395 W. Mayes St., 769-216-3414) / Cheshire Abbey (cheshireabbey@gmail.com) / The Madison Ark (madisonark.org) / Mississippi Animal Rescue League (5221 Greenway Drive Ext., 601-969-1631, msarl.org) / Webster Animal Shelter (525 Post Oak Ro...